Bicon vs. Buffalo

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Jackson Roy

Bison and buffalo are among the most confusing animals found in the world, which are similar or measured ones of antiquity. In fact, the buffalo differs a lot in its habitat, alive atmosphere, physical form, and personality from the bison. Bison is a huge herbivorous animal that is initiated only in North and South America, as well as in some portions of Europe.

Main Difference

Instead, buffaloes are large black cropping animals with large buzzers that are found in Africa and Asia. Buffaloes have different features according to their environmental range. The bison belongs to the same species and family of buffalo but differs in genus.

Bison are completely different in terms of weight, physical character, shape, etc. Before delving into the differences between bison and buffalo, it is worth knowing that there are actually three types of bison and three types of buffalo:

What Is Bison?

Bicon vs. Buffalo

The bison belongs to the same family as the buffalo (Bovidae) and is established in North America, South America, and some parts of Europe. Most bison inhabitants are initiated in North and South America. People in South and North America do not frequently see buffaloes in them exists because there are no buffaloes except in Africa and Asia.

So, due to the misunderstanding that prevailed in ancient times, people consider the bison to be a buffalo and generally consider it a buffalo, while even though the bison belongs to the same family as the buffalo, it is completely different from the buffalo in terms of size.

Kinds of bison

  • The American bison (Bison bison) is nearly endangered, but with constant populations wandering parts of North America.
  • The Forest bison (Athabasca bison) (also known as the highland bison) is a separate northern category of the Indian bison from Alaska and Canada.
  • European bison (Bison bonsais) (also known as European bison, sage, and rooster) is found mainly in Poland but with reintroduction programs in many European countries.

What Is Buffalo?

Bicon Vs. Buffalo

Buffaloes are herbivores found in Africa and Asia. Buffaloes are divided according to their geographical area into two basic types; Cape buffalo are found in the rugged and rocky regions of Africa and are wild in nature.

On the other hand, water buffalo are found in Asia, and they are domesticated and domesticated. Water buffalo are found in abundance in the world. Water buffalo is used for milk and as cattle and meat. Buffalo is black in color and has no humps, unlike bison.

Kinds of Buffalo

  • The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) (also recognized as the Cape buffalo) is brought into being through sub-Saharan Africa and is a fellow of the Big Five.
  • The Asian water buffalo (Bubalus area) (also identified as the Asian buffalo, the Asian buffalo, and the wild Asian buffalo) is innate to the Indian subcontinent and is listed as rare.
  • Domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) (also acknowledged as water buffalo and Asian buffalo), is slighter than it’s wild virtual and extensive in India, China, and Southeast Asia.

Differences in Physical Properties

  • Bison have a thick fur coat on the body that thickens in winter as protection from the rugged environment in which they live. Buffaloes do not have thick fur.
  • Bison have very sharp horns that they use for defense. Buffalo horns are not very sharp but are longer than bison horns.
  • The bison has a huge hump on its back that buffaloes do not have.
  • The bison also has a thick beard that surrounds the thorax, but the buffalo does not have a thick beard.
  • The bison’s temperament is related to its strong skeleton, and it can be a very aggressive animal when threatened. While the Cape African buffalo is also aggressive, the Asian water buffalo is a peaceful animal and is therefore domesticated.
  • The buffalo reaches 5 feet in size, while the bison can grow to 6 feet.
  • A bison can outrun a buffalo.
  • Buffalo can weigh between 800-1200 kg, while bison can weigh up to 1400 kg.

Differences in Habitat Properties

Buffalo are trained or raised for their meat and then have a very lazy habitat. They are used to living in moderate temperatures. On the other side, the bison is not trained. Bison are used to harsh environments and can withstand harsh conditions.

Differences in Geographical Properties

The bison is inborn in North and South America (but is now found in Asia and Africa as well). Buffaloes are inborn to Asia and Africa (and are now found in other portions of the world).

Differences In Population Properties

The bison population is probable to be nearly 2 million. There are about 20,000 wild bison and 400,000 commercial bison (raised for meat) in the United States. Buffaloes are more frequent and have an expected population of around 150 million worldwide.

Comparison Chart between Bicon and Buffalo

Bison Buffalo
Fur Thick Light
Diet Grass And Hay Hay
Life 13 to 21 Years 25 to 30 Years
Shape Large Hump, Huge Structure, Four-Footed No Hump, Huge frame, Four-Footed
Used For As a Meat, Clothing, Shelter, Weapons Milk, Cattle, Once Hunted As Trophies, But Now Meat For Hunters And Other Animals


Buffaloes live in Africa and South Asia, although bison live in North America and portions of Europe. Bison are reformed to live in cold atmospheres. They have furry fur coats and bumps. Therefore, the main consistency between buffalo and bison is the type of habitat in which they live. Similarly, it is easy to differentiate between a buffalo and a bison by directing on the three H’s: house, ham, and antler.