Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware vs Progress Sitefinity: What’s the Differece?

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Sitefinity and Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware are both powerful and feature-rich content management systems, but they have very different approaches to how they get the job done. This comparison will compare and contrast the two CMSs so you can see which one is the best option for your needs. While both products offer their unique advantages, it’s clear that one stands out as being superior to the other in most areas.

What is Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware?

Groupware software is designed specifically for use in wikis (like tiki). Groupware applications let you create different types of groups inside your wiki. These can then be used to organize your pages into various categories.


  • A group is like a category for your wiki pages. Groups are created inside the Tiki admin interface, and allow you to classify your wiki pages.
  • Groups are useful if you want to organize your wiki pages inside different categories. If you’re writing about a specific subject area, using groups makes it easier to find related articles.
  • TikiWiki comes with two different groupings built-in. You can choose from Categories (for general page categorization) or Tag Clouds (to help users easily browse through your content).
  • You may have noticed that some pages don’t fit neatly into either of these groupings. In this case, you can add custom groups to suit your needs. This is done via the Groups link at the top right-hand corner of any wiki page.

What is Progress Sitefinity?

Progress Sitefinity is a fully responsive open-source content management system (CMS) built on.NET MVC 5 and Bootstrap 4. This project started as a personal side-project but has grown into a full-fledged CMS that can handle any type of website.

Progress Sitefinity

  • Progress Sitefinity was designed from the ground up to be easy to use and customize. Its intuitive interface allows anyone to create professional-looking websites without having to write code.
  • Progress Sitefinity comes with many features like drag & drop page builder, image manager, video player, contact form, blog, news section, etc. You can easily add your modules and plugins to extend its functionality even further.
  • Progress Sitefinity supports both Windows and Linux operating systems. It is licensed under the MIT license and free for commercial use.
  • Progress Sitefinity has been translated into 30 languages and used by thousands of customers around the world.
  • Progress Sitefinity runs on ASP.NET Core 2.0 and AngularJS 1. x.

Differences Between Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware And Progress Sitefinity

Platforms, Hosting, and Version control support

Both Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and Progress Sitefinity run on Microsoft Windows operating systems, requiring you to use Internet Information Services (IIS) to set up a hosting account. However, with both software packages you will have no control over your host’s version of IIS; for example, should your host upgrade its IIS environment from 5.1 to 6.0, there would be no way for you to take advantage of that new version without altering your codebase or migrating your site elsewhere.

User Experience

One of my biggest pet peeves is bloated software that takes forever to load or otherwise prevents me from getting things done. I don’t know about you, but I spend a lot of time in my browser. When using a web-based CMS, I need one that can keep up with my productivity. While both these products have very similar feature sets, it was Sitefinity that delivered a better user experience for me personally.


When it comes to security, both sites are vulnerable to hackers. Progress has an A rating on both OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and SANS Top 25, but Tiki’s safety is unrated on either site.


The main advantage of developing a custom solution is that there is no licensing fee. That’s because you are not purchasing software – you are building it. However, custom software development can be expensive because there are usually hidden costs, such as consulting fees or training to help your staff learn how to use a new system or additional hardware purchases. Plus, if you plan on selling your solution to other companies in the future (or using it internally), those future revenues must be considered in your budgeting process.

Automatic updates & rollout process

When you’re working on a major website launch, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by all of the tasks on your to-do list. Unfortunately, that means that many projects don’t make it out of testing—and as such, these updates are never actually released. To ensure that your project goes smoothly from start to finish, start by automating as much of your rollout process as possible.

Extensibility with Add-ons / Plugins / APIs / Extensions

Once you’ve selected a content management system (CMS), it will be easier to add additional functionality through third-party add-ons, which you can buy or build yourself. This is one of many ways in which extensibility is better in a CMS vs. proprietary software. And as your needs change, you can always install new plugins or APIs from providers like Salesforce to enhance what was once an out-of-the-box solution.

CMS Features

An In-Depth Comparison of Features between Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and Progress Sitefinity. This feature comparison table will show you what features each product has, so you can compare them side by side. Be sure to check out our Editor’s Pick for each product; that’s usually where we highlight a certain feature that makes it stand out from competing products in its category.

Installation and Configuration Processes

A major difference between both systems is how they are installed and configured. Tiki Wiki’s installation process is an easy, step-by-step guided installation that allows you to install it on your server with no programming knowledge. If you don’t have your server, you can use a third-party hosting service that offers Tiki Wiki hosting (such as GoDaddy or Google Cloud Hosting). And once your site is up, a detailed instructional manual will help guide users on how to add content.


Both Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware and Progress Sitefinity are excellent content management systems, each with its own merits. The real question is, which one is right for you? If you’re looking for a cost-effective solution that requires little to no customization or extra coding to operate, then consider going with Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. However, if you need an enterprise-level solution that will work well with your business processes, then look no further than Progress Sitefinity.