Alligator vs. Crocodile

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James Smith

Alligators are reptiles that belong to the order Crocodilia. They have long snouts, large eyes, and powerful jaws. Alligators can live in freshwater, saltwater, swamps, and marshes. Their diet consists of fish, frogs, turtles, birds, small mammals, and carrion.

Main Difference

Crocodiles are reptiles that belong to the order Sauria. They have short snouts, small eyes, and weak jaws. Crocodiles can live in fresh water and brackish water. Their diet consists of aquatic animals like fish, amphibians, crustaceans, mollusks, and other reptiles.

Alligators are reptiles that have been around for over 200 million years. They can live in water or land but prefer freshwater environments. Alligators are native to North America and South America. Crocodiles are reptiles that have been on Earth for about 250 million years. They can survive in both fresh and saltwater, and they are native to Africa, Asia, Australia, and Madagascar.

There are two types of crocodiles: true crocodiles and caimans. True crocodiles include Nile crocodiles, American crocodiles, saltwater crocodiles, and Gharial. Caimans include gavials, muggers, and dwarf crocodiles. Alligators are reptiles that belong to the order Crocodilia. They have long snouts, large eyes, sharp teeth, and powerful jaws. Alligators live in freshwater habitats throughout the following countries:

  • North America,
  • South America,
  • Africa,
  • Asia,
  • Australia
  • Europe

In the United States, they can be found in the following states:

  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Alabama
  • Mississippi
  • Louisiana
  • Texas
  • Arkansas
  • Missouri
  • Tennessee
  • Kentucky
  • Indiana
  • Illinois
  • Ohio
  • Michigan
  • Wisconsin
  • Minnesota
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Nebraska
  • Colorado
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Wyoming
  • Montana
  • Idaho
  • Utah
  • Nevada
  • California
  • Oregon
  • Washington
  • Arizona
  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • Nova Scotia

Crocodiles are reptiles that belong to the order Sauria. They have short snouts, small eyes, blunt teeth, and weak jaws. Crocodiles live in freshwater habitats throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, and parts of Central and South America. In the United States, they can be found in the southeastern states of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi.

What is Alligator?

The alligator is a carnivorous reptile that has been around since the Jurassic period. They are native to North America but can now be found in many parts of the world. They have a long snout and large teeth that they use to catch their prey. Their diet consists mainly of fish, amphibians, birds, mammals, and other reptiles.


What is Crocodile?

Crocodiles are reptiles that belong to the order Crocodylia. There are two species of crocodile; the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Both species inhabit fresh water and estuaries, although the saltwater crocodile prefers brackish waters. Saltwater crocodiles live in tropical regions, while American alligators prefer temperate climates.


Comparison Between Alligator vs. Crocodile

  1. Alligators are larger than crocodiles.
  2. They have four toes while crocodiles only have three.
  3. Alligators’ tails are longer than crocodiles’.
  4. They are cold-blooded animals while crocodiles are warm-blooded.
  5. Alligators have four toes on each foot, while crocodiles only have three.
  6. They have sharp teeth, while crocodiles have blunt teeth.
  7. Alligators have long tails, while crocodiles do not.
  8. They have webbed feet, while crocodiles do have webbed feet.
  9. Alligators have a longer tail than crocodiles.
  10. They have webbed feet while crocodiles do not.
  11. Alligators are herbivores while crocodiles are carnivorous.


Alligators are reptiles that belong to the order Crocodylia. They are native to North America and South America. Their diet consists of fish, frogs, small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. They have large sharp teeth that help them eat their prey. They have powerful jaws that can crush bones.

Crocodiles are reptiles that belong to the order Sauria. They are native to Africa, Asia, Australia, Madagascar, and Europe. Their diet consists of amphibians, fish, small mammals, birds, and other reptiles. They use their long snout to catch their prey. They have strong back legs that allow them to run fast.

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